Demo of Boots Need Knockin' Heritage Dancers Demo Knockin' Boots by Luke Bryan. We decided to add some claps since our boots didn’t knock loud enough!
I do not own the rights to this music and use it only for demonstration purposes.
Boots Need Knockin’
Song: Knockin’ Boots by Luke Bryan
Choreographer: Deanna Nemes
32ct, 4 Wall
Improver – 1 restart on wall 10
Begin at 32 counts with “That dress needs to slip off”
1-8 Right Shuffle Back, Rock back left recover right, left kick ball change w/ forward momentum x2
1&2 Shuffle back right, left, right,
3,4 Rock back on left, recover forward on right
5&6 Kick left foot forward, left foot down, step forward on right
7&8 Kick left foot forward, left foot down, step forward on right
9-16 Lindy Left, step side right ¾ turn over left shoulder stepping forward on left, shuffle right
1&2 shuffle to left side left, right, left,
3,4 cross rock right foot behind left, recover left
5,6 step right foot to right side, turn ¾ over left shoulder stepping left foot forward (3:00)
7&8 shuffle forward right, left, right
*Restart on wall 10, dance 16 counts, modify steps 15,16 to stomp Right-Left
17-24 Rock forward left recover, left coaster step, right rocking chair
1,2 Rock forward on left, recover right
3&4 step back left, step right together, step forward left
5,6,7,8 Rock forward right, rock back on left, step right foot back, rock forward on left
25-32 “knock boots” Step forward right, tap left to right foot, step back left, tap right to left foot, step forward right, tap left to right foot, left shuffle back (optional - add claps when boots touch)
1,2 Step forward right, tap left foot to right boot (clap)
3,4 step back left, tap right boot to left foot (clap)
5,6 step forward right, tap left foot to right boot (clap)
7&8 shuffle back left, right, left