Dancin' Boots
44 count 4 wall line dance
Music: “Boogie Woogie Fiddle Country Blues” by Charlie Daniels (Medium)
"South's Gonna Do It Again" by Charlie Daniels (Fast)
Dance starts on the 33rd beat of music (long before the lyrics) both songs
If started properly, dance ends on counts 41-44
Choreographed by Lyndy 1990
Heel & Toe Pattern
1-4 R side touch, step R next to L, L side touch, step L next to R
5-8 R heel tap, step R next to L, L toe tap (back), step L next to R
9&10 R heel tap, step R next to L, L toe tap
&11-12 Step L next to R, R heel tap, clap
Toe Touches, ¼ Turn, & Stomps
13 Touch R toe to the left & in front of left foot
14 Touch R toe to the right & in front of left foot
15-16 Repeat 13, 14
17 Step R toe to the left & in front of L foot
18 Pivot ¼ turn to the left (CCW) while transferring weight to L foot.
19-20 Stomp R foot next to L, stomp L foot next to R
Fans & Splits
21-28 R fan, return, heel split, return, L fan, return, heel split, return
Basic Cha-Cha Pattern
29-30 Rock forward onto L foot, rock back onto R foot
31&32 Step L-R-L (cha-cha-cha) traveling to the rear
33-34 Rock back onto R foot, rock forward onto L foot
35&36 Step R-L-R (cha-cha-cha) traveling forward
2- ¼ Turn Pivots, Stomps, & Claps
37-38 Step L forward, R ¼ pivot (CW) onto R foot
39-40 Repeat 37-38
41-44 Stomp L next to R, stomp R next to L, clap, clap