Lessons at Estonian House
20 Middle Island Blvd
Middle Island, NY 11953
This is a large indoor hall with a smooth, tightly spaced tile floor. The floor can be a little fast so bring a pair of sneakers in case your boots are too slippery. The building does not have air conditioning so please wear light layers. Please bring water to drink!
Summer Lessons 2021
7 Week Series = $105
Depending on class size, drop-ins may be allowed for $20 per class
You MUST REGISTER first, then pay for the series in order to hold your spot.
Tuesdays: July 13, 20, 27, Aug 3, 10, 17, 24
6-7:15 Beginner Series: This is for dancers just starting out that want a strong foundation or those that want an easier paced class. This class is for those that want to learn basic steps and simpler dances. It is suggested that novice dancers take a few beginner series prior to moving into a harder series. This class is the most likely to fill to capacity and not have room for drop-ins.
Register here for the Beginner Series
Click here to PAY for the Beginner Series
7:30pm-9pm Experienced Class: This is a fast paced class for dancers that have experience and just want to move! We’ll have lessons and walk thru’s for the first hour, then a half hour of free dance. Any dancer that attends this class is expected to know basic steps. This class generally has room for drop-ins.
Register Here for Experienced Series
Click here to PAY for the Experienced Series
Thursdays: July 15, 22, 29, Aug 5, 12, 19, 26
Thurs - 7:30-9 Improvers : This will be a 90 minute series for students that want to learn more difficult dances but at a more relaxed pace than the Tuesday evening class. I will review terminology as we begin moving toward high beginner and intermediate level dances. This class will also be incorporating music beyond the country scene. Popular dances, new dances, old favorites and requests are all game for this series. Students entering this class are expected to have knowledge and experience with basic steps and terminology. This class does get on the larger side so I won’t know about drop-in space until closer to the start of the series.
Register here for Thursday classes
Click here to PAY for the Improver Series
After you park, walk around tO the left side of tHe building, the set Of doors to the left are the entrance we will use.