Heavenly for Thomas
Song: Heavenly by Corbette Jackson
Choreographer: Deanna Nemes
32ct, 2 Wall Improver
Restart – wall 4
Begin at 32 counts with lyrics
Alternative Music: Heartache Medication by John Pardi (begin dance with lyrics, no restarts)
1-8 Rocking Chair, Rt Lockstep, brush Lt, Lt Lockstep, brush Rt, step Rt, ½ pivot left, step Rt Forward
1&2& Rock rt forward, recover back lt, rock rt back, recover lt forward
3&4& Step rt forward, step lt behind rt, step rt forward, brush sole of lt foot forward
5&6 Step lt forward, step rt behind lt, step lt forward, brush sole of rt foot forward
7&8 Step rt forward, pivot ½ left, step rt forward (facing 6:00)
9-16 Full Right turn stepping Lt-Rt- Lt, Rt Mambo forward, walk back Lt-Rt-Lt, Coaster Rt-Lt-Rt
1&2 Full turn right stepping forward lt-rt-lt
3&4 Rock forward rt, recover lt, bring rt to lt
5&6 Quick steps backward lt-rt-lt
7&8 Step rt back, step lt next to rt, step rt forward
17-24 Step side Left, lean left, tap right toe to lt shin, recover, cross shuffle Lt-Rt-Lt, Step side Right, lean Rt, tap Left toe to Rt shin, recover, cross shuffle Rt-Lt-Rt
1&2 Rock lt to left side, angle body toward 2 o’clock, lift right foot and tap it against lt shin, recover rt w/ toes facing 2o’clock (Restart here on wall 4)
3&4 Cross step lt over right, step right behind lt, step lt
5&6 Rock rt to right side, angle body toward 10 o’clock, lift lt foot and tap it against rt shin, recover lt w/ toes facing 10 o’clock
7&8 Cross step rt over left, step left behind rt, step right
**Restart after count 20 on wall 4 facing 6 o’clock
25-32 Shuffle Back Lt-Rt-Lt, half shuffle Right Rt-Lt-Rt, step forward Left, half turn right stepping onto Rt, shuffle forward Lt-Rt-Lt
1&2 Step back left, step rt next to lt, step back rt
3&4 ½ turn shuffle rt, step rt, step lt next to rt, step rt (facing 12:00)
5,6 Step forward lt, ½ pivot stepping forward on rt (facing 6:00)
7&8 Step forward lt, step rt next to lt, step forward lt
Song: Heavenly by Corbette Jackson
Performed at Thomas Valva Fundrasier on 2.16.20 by Heritage Center Dancers