Wooden Nickel (Long Island, NY Version)
Choreographed by Unknown
32 count, Beginner/Int, Partner/circle dance
Position: Cape position
1-8 Shuffle Steps
1&2: Shuffle forward left, right, left
3&4: Shuffle forward right, left, right
5&6: Shuffle forward left, right, left
7&8: Shuffle forward right, left, right
9-16 Lock/Catch Step walk forward
1-2: Step left forward, slide right up to and behind left
3-4: Step left forward, brush right forward
5-6: Step right, brush left
7-8: Step left, brush right
17-24 Turning Jazz box step to the right, vine left
1-2-3: Cross right over left, step left together, turn ¼ right and step on right (facing outside LOD man behind lady)
4: Touch left together
5-6-7-8: Step left to side, cross right behind left, step left to side, cross right over left
25-32 ¼ turn kick walk back twice, touch right heel twice, step, ½ turn and hitch
1: Step left to side turn ¼ right (reverse lod)
2: Touch right heel forward
3-4: Walk back right, left
5-6: Touch right heel forward twice
7-8: Step right forward turn ½ left (line of dance) and hitch left
LOD = Line of Dance